How to update Android phone software, Do Android phones have software updates

  1. First of all, go to your phone’s Settings and click on System Updates.
  2. If an update is available will appear, click on download. And if the update is not available then “the system is already the latest version” will appear.
  3. If update is available click on download
  4. After the download is complete, click on the Install button and click on OK.

Now you do not have to do anything, your Android will manage the whole process. Your latest Android software will update from your old software and you will have to be patient. There is nothing to fear in this. Because it may take some time which may be around 20+ minutes, How to update Android phone software, Do Android phones have software updates.

Will the mobile data be deleted by software update

Many people are afraid to update the software of their mobile only because of the fear that their mobile data may get deleted by updating. But this does not happen at all because whenever the company provides software updates. And you update it, then your mobile data like media, files, contacts, applications, etc. all remain safe. And only the software is updated, nothing is deleted so you can rest assured to update your mobile software, How to update Android phone software, Do Android phones have software updates.

How long does it take for Android phone software to update

Software updates depend on many things, and your software may or may not be updated in just a few minutes. That it will take lg hours,l. And it already depends on how your internet speed is when the update of Android software comes. So first of all you have to download it and after that you will be able to install it on your phone. And the size of downloading the software update can be from 500 MB to 2 GB. So in this case you must have high speed internet otherwise it will take you a lot of time just downloading the update.

And if you’ve downloaded the software for your Android, the installation should take about 20 minutes. And it also depends on how your mobile is performing. If your mobile performs very fast, then it will take you even less time but if your mobile is slow responding. So it may take you longer than that. Or it may take you up to 20 minutes, or even more if your mobile is very slow. So before updating your Android software, charge your mobile battery sufficiently.

Why does Android phone update take a long time

The Android software update may take up to 20 minutes or so. That it may take more than that. But usually it completes in 20 to 25 minutes. And if your phone is very slow then it may take even longer. And you have to keep new that you don’t have to do any tinkering during Android software update. This is an automatic process which completes itself.

What is the benefit of updating the software of the phone

Android software updates are always coming, no matter which company’s phone you are using, and many people are under the illusion that after updating the Android software, their mobile will run very fast. But this does not happen at all, not all Android software updates increase the speed of the mobile. Rather, it depends on what improvements the company has made in that update. And when you download the software update of your phone. And click on the install button to install. So he is told what changes can happen, How to update Android phone software, Do Android phones have software updates.

Android software updates mainly add new features to the mobile. And the interface of the mobile is also changed. While there is no effect on mobile data. And all updates can provide different features or features to manage the phone in a more simple way, How to update Android phone software, Do Android phones have software updates.