How to type style letter in WhatsApp, How can I write stylish letters in WhatsApp

To add style to your text in WhatsApp, you can use simple formatting tricks:

  1. (_italic_) = Italic: Surround text with underscores (text).
  2. (*Bold*) = Bold: Use double asterisks or underscores (text or text).
  3. (~Strikethrough~) =  Strikethrough: Enclose text with tildes (text).

how to bold on whatsapp

If you want to send more important message to someone on WhatsApp. Or if you want to make the middle word bold in the middle of any text, then you should use this code, How to type style letter in WhatsApp, How can I write stylish letters in WhatsApp.

  1. go to whatsapp and click in chat section
  2. Now put double star (**) and whatever you write and send in between these stars will be bold text
  3. For example, if I were to write “Hello, how are you” and bolded it, it would be something like, *Hello, how are you*

If you want to make only certain words in the middle of a paragraph bold, just put a star before and after that word. And if you want to make the whole paragraph bold, then put a star at the beginning and end of the paragraph.

How to italicize in WhatsApp

If you type something in WhatsApp, and want to tilt it to one side. So you can use italic code.

  1. Now put double (__) and whatever you write and send in between it will be italic text
  2. Like if I want to write “Hello, how are you” and italicize it. So something like this, _Hello, how are you_

If you want to italicize only a few words in the middle of a paragraph. So just put (__) before and after that word. And if you want to italicize the whole paragraph. So put (__) at the beginning and end of the paragraph.


Strictaru is such a word of a star that is cut from the middle. And if you want to write any such word on WhatsApp, then you can use this text code. Similarly, the word deleted is also called.

  1. Now put double (__) and whatever you write and send in between it will be deleted text
  2. Like if I want to write “Hello, how are you” and do it as delete text. So something like this, _Hello, how are you_

If you want only certain words in the middle of a paragraph to be deleted, just put (__) before and after that word. And if you want the entire paragraph to be deleted text. So put (__) at the beginning and end of the paragraph.

How to write in style in WhatsApp

If you want to write more style in WhatsApp, then for that you have to use an external keyboard. Which provide you stylish fonts, because you get normal fonts in Google keyboard. And there are only three methods in the above mentioned method, which are very limited. But if you use such keyboard. Which provides a variety of font styles, so you can chat on WhatsApp in a variety of styles.

  1. Install Style font keyboard
  2. Open that application and click on next
  3. Enter your date of birth and click on get started
  4. Click on “Enable fonts keyboard” and turn on Fonts button
  5. Click on Ok
  6. Click on Switch to fonts
  7. Click on “Fonts”

Now your stylish mobile keyboard is ready, you can write stylish text not only in your WhatsApp but anywhere with this keyboard. Just go to your WhatsApp now, and click in the chat section. And in the upper part of the keyboard you will see the text styles present in its board. Whichever style you want to write in your WhatsApp, click on it and do the typing. Typing will be in the style that you will select.

Use code to change whatsapp font or change keyboard

Both the methods can be used in different situations. And if you change your text style through code in WhatsApp, then you can do that only in your WhatsApp. And in a very limited quantity that only 3 styles are available. But if you want to direct message someone, or write on Facebook. Or on any other social media or other website then you will not be able to use that code. In this case, you have to use normal text only.

But if you choose the second option, which is to use Stylish Keyboard. So you can write stylish text anywhere on any website or application with the help of this keyboard. Then it does not matter that you are writing on WhatsApp. You on Facebook or on YouTube or anywhere else on any social media or on any website or any other application. So if you just want stylish text in WhatsApp, then you use code, but if you want to use more stylish text. Or you want to use on other social media and other websites too, then you can use Stylish Keyboard, How to type style letter in WhatsApp, How can I write stylish letters in WhatsApp.

How to write on WhatsApp in more style

The method described above is for just one keyboard, while there are many keyboards that provide different text styles. You can also use other keyboards if you want. Which will provide you different types of different styles.

can i write in style in whatsapp status

Yes, you can write your WhatsApp status stylish text using the above mentioned methods. You can use codes, or you can use the stylish keyboard if you want. The same process applies for both WhatsApp status and normal WhatsApp message, How to type style letter in WhatsApp, How can I write stylish letters in WhatsApp.

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